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Daler Rowney Georgian Finish 75 ml


Daler Rowney Georgian Finish 75 ml

Oil varnish. Artist’ Clear picture varnish is ideal to protect paintings against harmful UV rays, and other external factors. It prevents colour fading and minimizes the risk of paint flaking. Varnish also help to enhance the colours and texture of the painting. Directions: A thin layer to be applied after oil painting is dry.
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In stock 1 piece
6.59 €
6.99 €
- 6 %
Finish Daler Rowney Georgian Finish 75 ml

Daler Rowney Georgian Finish 75 ml

6.59 €
6.99 €
- 6 %

Product code: 114007800 | ID: 1137711

Daler Rowney Georgian Finish 75 ml

Oil varnish. Artist’ Clear picture varnish is ideal to protect paintings against harmful UV rays, and other external factors. It prevents colour fading and minimizes the risk of paint flaking. Varnish also help to enhance the colours and texture of the painting.

Directions: A thin layer to be applied after oil painting is dry.





Package Quantity (pcs)


Dimensions and Weight


75 ml


Made in

Great Britain